This message is for all industries. There is nothing, as in zero, nil, nada, more important than protecting the environment. It's too late to be noble and save what we can for our progeny; my 12 year old grandchild, a good enough kid, will never know the unbridled joy of being a grandparent. Saving the environment is now all about being selfish and saving ourselves. Just the thought of living another thirty years on this increasingly uninhabitable orb, led by the nose by mean spirited morons, makes me glad I won't. I've written a book for kids and trying to decide if it should see the light of day.

The only title that fits (without drum roll) A Child's Weed Patch of Verses.

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This bill is, in my opinion, illegal and has no chance of being enforceable. The state has no jurisdiction to regulate the use of the navigable waters of the US including our coastal waters. The state has limited rights to the submerged lands within 3 miles of our coast, however these lands are to be managed in trust for all Mainers. Thus the state must manage these lands and cannot delegate its obligations to local municipalities. In my opinion, the real story here is the law firms propagating legal theories that are insupportable in law or fact. Gouldsboro has been duped into spending $100,000 on an ordinance to stop large scale aquaculture by lawyers who only see dollar signs for their own firms. These same lawyers see the same windfall from the supporters of this bill. I think the goals of this bill can be easily met by alternative legislation that no one in good faith can object to. This approach however is simply too direct and cost effective to be considered. I guess a fool and his money are soon parted. Hopefully someone with common sense will take the right approach and stop this nonsense by proposing a bill that makes sense.

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Thank you for your coverage of the public comment session on LD-586. Your assessment of the vested interests represented by the various speakers against the measure should, I hope, allow supporters of the bill to prepare for the working session by clarifying the bill's focus and addressing some of the misconceptions expressed during testimony. Discussions about LD-487 and LD-586 are necessary if we are to make any progress restoring and protecting Maine's environment...the only long-term path to economic and social stability.

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Dear Lincoln,


Thank you so much for your superb analysis of the power structure we’re facing as proposers of LD 487…and for saying what we’ve all been thinking but didn’t have the courage to say aloud.

Ann Hirschhorn

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