NORTHEAST HARBOR, June 27, 2023 - Police were looking to clarify whether protesters indeed trespassed on dark money operative Leonard Leo’s property Sunday when they issued warnings after several “criminal complaints” were filed.
Leonard Leo is a pig. He hangs with buddies whose goal, same as his own, is to corrupt the US Supreme Court. Lenny's chum Harlan Crow, son of developer and deceased billionarie Texan Trammel Crow, bribes Justice Clarence Thomas with $500,000 vacations and private jet flights to that Post Cereals camp in the NY Adirondacks. Lenny's picks for the Supreme Court, organized by Mr. Trump, all flat-out lied when asked in Senate Confirmation Hearings about Roe v. Wade, saying that this 1973 case, whatever its dubious merits (and, concededly, the foundation for that Decision was a tad shaky), was "settled law." Then that cohort of fresh Judges proceeded to overturn that "well-settled law" at the very first opportunity, thundering from the Bench that it was wrongly decided. Full disclosure: signing off on that Decision was Brett Kavanaugh, my fraternity brother from Yale. I remain disappointed.
"Settled law" means the Decison will not be further disturbed. The idea behind "settled law" is that society has agreed on the Ruling, incorporated it into its collective vision, and moved on. Whether or not one individual, whether Lenny Leo or the Pope or anyone else (including me) is in agreement is no longer the issue; the matter is "settled" for society. When you decide to blow up settled law, you better have a very good reason for doing so, as it will wreak chaos on society.
What is the "best law" for Roe? It is that "Congress shall make NO law..." Medical decisions are private and remain between a physician and her patient, not between politicians and patients. The State has no business sticking its nose into private medical decisions, period. Not in a free society. When Lenny decides that he will, nonetheless, become the determinator for a hundred million others, don't be surprised he reaps the oppobrium of his neighbors.
Hey, keep picketing the guy, let him move to Oklahoma. Better for him to enjoy pig manure instead of crystal Maine waters.
l give Leonard Leo all the attention he deserves. The Supreme Court ethics crisis continues, not just with Clarence Thomas but with his right-wing comrade, Justice Samuel Alito. One can't go about buying Supreme Court Justices and expect nobody to notice. l recently found a new vocabulary word, from old English, to describe Leonard >>> he is a "dastard".
Do you mean that Leonard Leo is being hypersensitive to legitimate critique - and so gets sympathetic/corruptible police officers to bend the law to his bidding? The arrest of this young man is, as far as my research can tell, a unique application of the loosely written Disorderly Conduct law. As far as I know, nobody has been tracked down, arrested, and charged for shouting an obscenity out of the window of a passing car. (Who even reports that sort of thing?) Officer Kevin took Leo at his word - a self serving, bullying word - and took Leo's side, that offending Leo is illegal and demands arrest. Both Leo and Officer Kevin purposefully gave this young man an arrest record which he would have to record on every job application. The theatre of cruelty form the arrest took was unnecessary. The officer on his own decided to physically and emotionally punish someone who was not resisting and who should have been treated as innocent.
I don't think Leo is hypersensitive. I think he is resentful of being spotlighted. He is used to being lauded and treated with great deference. But on MDI he is an arriviste trying to establish his eminence - beyond the Roman Catholic church and Republican officials he patronizes - and these ongoing protests are I doubt how he envisioned being presented to the moneyed society he by which he seems to crave acceptance. An acceptance made possible by the very liberalizing of American society which so offends Leo - although has benefitted from it throughout his rise. And which possibilities he works to shut down. Leo's public offenses and personal sins are informed by hypocrisy and greed.
Policeman Kevin seems to be bereft of knowledge of the foundational elements of Maine and US Law as relates to picketing. With no one to make personnel decisions, the Town Council remains immobile. So far, he gets to drive around in a neat pick-up truck, at least while he remains on the town payroll. As for our chum Leo? Well, if you hang with people who bribe Supreme Court Justices with $500,000 vacations and private jets, don't be surprised you reap the disdain of your neighbors.
Mr. Leonard Leo should be counting his blessings. If the original founders of this country were alive today he'd have more that a few folks calling him bad names. In fact were Thomas Paine still around Leo would probably be covered in tar and riding out of town on a rail rather than a Mercedes. It is so sad to see how much American Democracy has decayed since the founding of this country. When low life’s like Leo and his pals can pack the Supreme Court with members of the corporate radical right thereby allowing hideous legal decisions like "Citizens United" to stand memories of The Boston Tea Party come flooding back. Simply put the founders of this country tossed all that tea into Boston Harbor largely in protest of the corporate monopoly on American tea imports of the East India Company. What one wonders would the founders think of Leo backed "Citizens United" via which the Supreme Court ruled that restraining corporate Dark Money contributions to (eg "purchase of") of our political representatives would constitute an abridgment of corporate free speech? The whole idea of American corporations lacking "free speech" opportunities would be laughable were it not so dangerous. Our nation is daily deluged in "Corporate Speak" via a never ending barrage of TV, newspaper, magazine, radio and Internet ads! Our children are brainwashed into endless wasteful consumption and sold on the idea that "Whoever dies with the most toys wins!" Those suffering painful and debilitating illnesses are deluged with ads for expensive medications with a list of side effects that often make the illness being treated pale in comparison. What we need is legislation protecting us from endless corporate manipulation not only by protecting the rights of citizens like this to protest, but encouraging more of it. Protests like this will stop when people like Leonard Leo are the ones being cuffed and perp walked to the police car. And for heaven's sake officer make sure Leonard ducks his head while getting into the back seat.
Leonard Leo has not only influenced corrupt police officers to do his bidding, (rather than follow directives from police leadership to abide by the Constitution and Maine Criminal Code.) The Bar Harbor Town Council supported Bar Harbor Town Manager Kevin Sutherland in using his office and town resources to suppress a First Amendment protected and Maine Criminal Code compliant protest (against Leo's corruption of the courts.) To this day, the BH Town Council has refused to give an accounting of Sutherland's actions and The Mount Desert Islander has refused to correct reporting which amplifies and perpetuates Sutherland's erroneous assertions of the law and erroneous representations of the protest.
And today I drove by Charlotte's and there are new traffic cones and no parking signs on the other side of the road. So much for the DOT.
Leonard Leo is a pig. He hangs with buddies whose goal, same as his own, is to corrupt the US Supreme Court. Lenny's chum Harlan Crow, son of developer and deceased billionarie Texan Trammel Crow, bribes Justice Clarence Thomas with $500,000 vacations and private jet flights to that Post Cereals camp in the NY Adirondacks. Lenny's picks for the Supreme Court, organized by Mr. Trump, all flat-out lied when asked in Senate Confirmation Hearings about Roe v. Wade, saying that this 1973 case, whatever its dubious merits (and, concededly, the foundation for that Decision was a tad shaky), was "settled law." Then that cohort of fresh Judges proceeded to overturn that "well-settled law" at the very first opportunity, thundering from the Bench that it was wrongly decided. Full disclosure: signing off on that Decision was Brett Kavanaugh, my fraternity brother from Yale. I remain disappointed.
"Settled law" means the Decison will not be further disturbed. The idea behind "settled law" is that society has agreed on the Ruling, incorporated it into its collective vision, and moved on. Whether or not one individual, whether Lenny Leo or the Pope or anyone else (including me) is in agreement is no longer the issue; the matter is "settled" for society. When you decide to blow up settled law, you better have a very good reason for doing so, as it will wreak chaos on society.
What is the "best law" for Roe? It is that "Congress shall make NO law..." Medical decisions are private and remain between a physician and her patient, not between politicians and patients. The State has no business sticking its nose into private medical decisions, period. Not in a free society. When Lenny decides that he will, nonetheless, become the determinator for a hundred million others, don't be surprised he reaps the oppobrium of his neighbors.
Hey, keep picketing the guy, let him move to Oklahoma. Better for him to enjoy pig manure instead of crystal Maine waters.
l give Leonard Leo all the attention he deserves. The Supreme Court ethics crisis continues, not just with Clarence Thomas but with his right-wing comrade, Justice Samuel Alito. One can't go about buying Supreme Court Justices and expect nobody to notice. l recently found a new vocabulary word, from old English, to describe Leonard >>> he is a "dastard".
Hypersensitivity is the new norm.
Do you care to expand?
Do you mean that Leonard Leo is being hypersensitive to legitimate critique - and so gets sympathetic/corruptible police officers to bend the law to his bidding? The arrest of this young man is, as far as my research can tell, a unique application of the loosely written Disorderly Conduct law. As far as I know, nobody has been tracked down, arrested, and charged for shouting an obscenity out of the window of a passing car. (Who even reports that sort of thing?) Officer Kevin took Leo at his word - a self serving, bullying word - and took Leo's side, that offending Leo is illegal and demands arrest. Both Leo and Officer Kevin purposefully gave this young man an arrest record which he would have to record on every job application. The theatre of cruelty form the arrest took was unnecessary. The officer on his own decided to physically and emotionally punish someone who was not resisting and who should have been treated as innocent.
I don't think Leo is hypersensitive. I think he is resentful of being spotlighted. He is used to being lauded and treated with great deference. But on MDI he is an arriviste trying to establish his eminence - beyond the Roman Catholic church and Republican officials he patronizes - and these ongoing protests are I doubt how he envisioned being presented to the moneyed society he by which he seems to crave acceptance. An acceptance made possible by the very liberalizing of American society which so offends Leo - although has benefitted from it throughout his rise. And which possibilities he works to shut down. Leo's public offenses and personal sins are informed by hypocrisy and greed.
Thank you, Lincoln for clarifying our right to stand where we stood. The police never tire of trying to move us at Leo's behest.
Policeman Kevin seems to be bereft of knowledge of the foundational elements of Maine and US Law as relates to picketing. With no one to make personnel decisions, the Town Council remains immobile. So far, he gets to drive around in a neat pick-up truck, at least while he remains on the town payroll. As for our chum Leo? Well, if you hang with people who bribe Supreme Court Justices with $500,000 vacations and private jets, don't be surprised you reap the disdain of your neighbors.
Mr. Leonard Leo should be counting his blessings. If the original founders of this country were alive today he'd have more that a few folks calling him bad names. In fact were Thomas Paine still around Leo would probably be covered in tar and riding out of town on a rail rather than a Mercedes. It is so sad to see how much American Democracy has decayed since the founding of this country. When low life’s like Leo and his pals can pack the Supreme Court with members of the corporate radical right thereby allowing hideous legal decisions like "Citizens United" to stand memories of The Boston Tea Party come flooding back. Simply put the founders of this country tossed all that tea into Boston Harbor largely in protest of the corporate monopoly on American tea imports of the East India Company. What one wonders would the founders think of Leo backed "Citizens United" via which the Supreme Court ruled that restraining corporate Dark Money contributions to (eg "purchase of") of our political representatives would constitute an abridgment of corporate free speech? The whole idea of American corporations lacking "free speech" opportunities would be laughable were it not so dangerous. Our nation is daily deluged in "Corporate Speak" via a never ending barrage of TV, newspaper, magazine, radio and Internet ads! Our children are brainwashed into endless wasteful consumption and sold on the idea that "Whoever dies with the most toys wins!" Those suffering painful and debilitating illnesses are deluged with ads for expensive medications with a list of side effects that often make the illness being treated pale in comparison. What we need is legislation protecting us from endless corporate manipulation not only by protecting the rights of citizens like this to protest, but encouraging more of it. Protests like this will stop when people like Leonard Leo are the ones being cuffed and perp walked to the police car. And for heaven's sake officer make sure Leonard ducks his head while getting into the back seat.
Leonard Leo has not only influenced corrupt police officers to do his bidding, (rather than follow directives from police leadership to abide by the Constitution and Maine Criminal Code.) The Bar Harbor Town Council supported Bar Harbor Town Manager Kevin Sutherland in using his office and town resources to suppress a First Amendment protected and Maine Criminal Code compliant protest (against Leo's corruption of the courts.) To this day, the BH Town Council has refused to give an accounting of Sutherland's actions and The Mount Desert Islander has refused to correct reporting which amplifies and perpetuates Sutherland's erroneous assertions of the law and erroneous representations of the protest.