Wowza. Town officials who care about what is best for their community. And resist pressure by those who think their unmitigated greed should get them unlimited power.

Unimaginable just a few miles away in Bar Harbor.

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I want to see as much affordable housing as possible.

Gerd Grace

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Change LUO is get this project approved? Not sure the high court is going to like that. What if they changed the LUO is keep the project from happening? Tone it down in scale seems reasonable. It's been said better to have one bird in hand then two in the bush.

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Thank you to the select board and Durlin Lunt. MDI 365 needs to get back on track. Were quid pro quo donations actually proposed? That would be illegal.

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Thank you Mt. Desert select boardand Town Manager for standing up for what is right. The local crisis of affordable housing is not only here in your town and island community, it is a state and national crisis. Unfortunately, the legal pursuit of justice for those can not afford to spend millions for one home, let alone two or three or more, is all important. Those wealthy folks who are opposed to year round affordable housing only care about having their own luxurious digs. Where their private nurses, housekeepers, or landscapers live, is something they have absolutely no concern about except that their workers’ housing does not sully the rarified air of their existence.

Of course, there are some wealthy and powerful summer residents who do see the injustice of their self serving neighbors, and hopefully will not be cowed by peer pressure in the social circles down at the yacht club , Friends of Acadia, and the golf course.

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