I absolutely detest the large cruise ships but I also think it is a fair decision by the town to allow this season to go forward as scheduled.

I'll be happy to one day see the parking enforcement officers actually doing the jobs they signed up for instead of being crosswalk attendants for cruise tourons every other day.

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ThankYou Charles Sidman.

And ThankYou Lincoln Millstein. Your updates are very helpful.

I would so like to know what % of Bar Harbor's budget is spent on legal fees. And have a line by line accounting of the billable hours.

Of course Council pet Kevin Sutherland is the gift that keeps on giving - to special interests like APPL profiteer Bond. He snuck a whole bunch of cruise ships onto the schedule and it looks like we're stuck with them coming. But that doesn't mean elements of the law can't be enforced. And fines paid. Surely the companies knew what they were sailing into and hedged their bets on Sutherland's handout paying off. They lost that bet. OK they don't want to hurt their brand by cancelling but let them pay up through their bottom line.

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