Val Peacock and the rest of the council are clearly in the pocket of the APPL and cruise ship lines. I bet they are all reading the Quietside which has a growing subscription base of people fed up with corrupt and bias government. Keep the reports coming and thank you Charles Sidman for continuing to fight for the environment and quality of life in Bar Harbor and on MDI.

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The Bar Harbor Town Council seems to be confused. Mr. Sidman does not appear to be the one responsible for the high legal costs related to the litigation over cruise ship passenger visits.

In November 2022, the citizens of the town voted to cap the cruise ship passengers at 1,000. That was the voice of the people speaking. Was anyone listening?

"On the last day of 2022, APPLL sued the town to overturn the 1,000-passenger citizens cap." APPLL initiated the litigation against the town.

Instead of honoring the will of the people of Bar Harbor, APPLL has sought to silence the people's voice. It has pressured the Town Council to ignore the will of the people, attempted to confuse the people about APPLL's interests and pursued litigation to overturn the will of the people. The town's high legal costs are driven by APPLL putting its interests ahead of the people's interests.

What are APPLL's interests?

I heard a member of APPLL interviewed on a radio station some months ago. He laid bare the interests of APPLL. He said imposing a cap on cruise passenger visitations would affect his multiple restaurants in Bar Harbor. He spoke of it in terms of "my money" being taken away from "me" and instead sent to Canada.

It seems APPLL is not concerned with preserving livelihoods so much as it is concerned with maximizing profits.

The best I can tell, Mr. Sidman is trying to prevent the Town Council and APPLL from disenfranchising the citizens of Bar Harbor. Shutting Mr. Sidman out from discussion of this issue is like shutting the town citizens out.

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I remember a time, quite a number of years ago, when the Bar Harbor Town Council worked for the citizens of Bar Harbor instead of wasting time, money and energy on tit-for-tat games that seem to align more with teenage bullying than adults guiding a Maine town.

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