Charles Sidman has done more to preserve the wishes and rights of the majority of the citizens of Bar Harbor. APPLL, a group of self serving businesses, many of whom are not actually full time residents anymore, are using their substantial profits to deplete the Town of Bar Harbor’s property tax es for their bottom lines to the detriment of the schools, maintenance, and protections. No matter who is on Town Council, the results seem to be always the same: the Town Council gives the local business bullies what they want, which is always more and more. This is why a few corporations and their associated businesses have shoved residential neighborhoods to the edges to make way for a Town stuffed with hotels, eateries, cruise ships , and tourists, not year residents.

Furthermore, the way the official Town of Bar Harbor vilifies Charles Sidman for his advocacy for year round residents is appalling. It is APPLL suing the Town and pursuing expensive litigation on the core issues. Charles Sidman is simply asking the Town to be lawful. Upholding the laws of the land is an oath that the elected Town Council all swear to. It is too bad Charles Sidman did not get elected. He is a highly effective, and believes in following the law.

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The Bar Harbor town council finds itself in a virtual no win situation. AAPPL’s deep pockets, courtesy of Ocean Properties means endless appeals. The council lives in fear of additional lawsuits should they implement the ordinance. Perspective is a hard sell but the much bigger picture is protecting the democratic process currently under siege and the environment ditto. The high road beckons; too bad it’s not a Sirene’s call. MDI is a scenic outpost with clean air and water, irresistible draws when mated to a national park. What else is there? It certainly isn’t the night life and with all due respects, MDI is not exactly a shopper’s mecca, how much business restaurants do when faced with meal plan clientele–please, hard to imagine local hotels sell any rooms and all that speaks to protecting our environment so four million folks keep coming by land and the livelihoods for future generations of locals. The cruise industry as wanton polluters are clear cutting the environment and it’s time to take a stand before there’s no stand to take. It’s time for the Bar Harbor town council to protect the present and future well-being of MDI. It’s time to implement the existential spirit of Cui Bono, examine who benefits. In the present it continues the way life should be and honors the men who gifted us a national park instead of condos. It’s time for this council to establish its legacy. Fear based policy

is not the way to run our community.

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Thanks David. Well said. It is why I write The Quietside Journal...

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The courts have spoken again! The town council should stop wasting time and taxpayer $$. And implement the wishes of the people of Bar Harbor.

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They did this week, 27 days, no more smoking goliaths

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Great news, the massive cruise ships are blight, from the brown air they spew 24/7 to ruining the amazing views around here.

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