Very disappointing election. Apparently people do not want significant change. Crazy spending, backward process of spending then going to find the money, pet projects that lead to nowhere but wasted money (Higgins solar) due to lack of due diligence, etc. And to think only 31% got to decide all this. I voted, did you? I hate to think how many future problems (water quality, etc.) that the LUO will cause in the future due to the same lack of due diligence. Cross your fingers and hope....what a great plan!

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Well, keeping creeps like Bo Jennings away from elected office was certainly a victory

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Out of all the candidates and land use articles, Bo Jennings getting shut out of committee is what you’re happy about? I didn’t vote for him but good god. Turning the rest of BH into a land developers wet dream, protecting our water…keeping Mr Friedman away from the towns check book and from wrecking the local economy didn’t turn a light bulb on?

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Well, I also consider it a good thing that we were successful in defeating the NIMBY folks like Ed Damm and Diane Vreeland who were urging for the defeat of recommend LUO chances

The truth is MDI has very limited space remaining that’s suitable for new residential development and we need to make the most of it. We’re all lucky to be living someplace with so much conserved land.

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Don’t forget the 18 VR-2 permits COA currently maintains. But yep. Tourism is the great satan.

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It’s pretty shameful using water quality as the rally call when they just wanted to maintain their property values. Ed owns some property exactly like those he wants to block

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And for the folks so worried about housing here…I don’t see a damn soul taking issue with an under used library mismanaging $14-15 million in fundraising that they’re botching and going to ask for $500k + annually from tax payers tearing down a single family home, kicking out a young family, tearing down another that had multiple units and another one slated to come down on Kavanaugh that’s going to become a parking lot. The hypocrisy and blame game is vomit worthy.

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Mr Friedman is trying to champion the housing issue. I’d love to know what he got paid for his efforts fundraising for the Jesup to demolish housing in town. What a joke.

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Property values aren’t going anywhere but up with or without the LUO articles. We’re a premium area. Same story in any desirable area around the country. Affordable housing without major subsidies that the local tax base can not handle is a ridiculous fantasy here. Sorry. Water quality, quantity and septic crowding is a very real issue when considering the development that will most likely happen now. Everyone needs to stop with the conspiratorial and nimby accusation nonsense. I don’t have a dog in the fight because I live in town but common sense and basic reason is in very short supply around here currently.

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Yep. We are lucky…..and over development of it will ruin it in a multitude of ways. When professionals are strongly advising against it our brilliant council goes back to the well about a perceived housing crisis. As a many generation native I would ask all of the transplants who seem to have outsized sway in town now…what was it that drew you to this area? I know many that were trying to escape high density living….now you’re creating it here. Common sense isn’t NIMBY.

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That’s unnecessary. Bo is the most community minded person out there with a true heart of gold. If you’ve ever had a direct conversation with him, you’d know. Shunning and name calling gets us nowhere in times of complicated decisions.

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Dear Nina, I am so happy for your comment. This is a safe space for respectful comments, unlike the profanity-laced post from your husband which I had to delete. The last time we had an interaction you were stalking me in the town office building to prevent me from photographing you, Eben Salvatore and Stephen Coston. The town office building, of all places, is a building where all images, photos and comments are part of the public domain That's the essence of our democracy. But you knew that, right, since you ran for Town Council? Glad you're here.

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It seems the majority of voting residents have chosen ineptitude as the standard. Keep voting for illogical people and things and you will keep getting similar results.

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