What a remarkable financial recovery the St Germains seem to have made! Despite owning several restaurants, several rental properties, and a share of the 44 room B&B going up on Cottage Street when last we heard from wife NINA she was excusing the un-permitted rental of rooms in her lavish private residence as financially necessary to allow her to afford remaining as a "stay at home mom." Next thing ya know she and her hubby are attempting an expensive move/renovation of the old Bar Harbor Water Company building to a zone permitting more rental rooms. One wonders just how much it was costing her to stay at home? And just how much was she charging for those un-permitted rental rooms?

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It’s pretty hilarious how many multi-millionaires in Bar Harbor want us to believe they are barely scraping by and that they need an ever growing crowd of tourists coming here to feed their families

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When is enough enough?

The last thing the town needs is more transient accommodations. We’re crowded enough, adding the ability to accommodate more overnight guests will just make it worse.

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Democracy is under siege. What's the point of a citizen's initiative vote if the town council can have it overturned by committee? MDI is a destination location and did very well before cruise ships. The initiative accepts cruise ships as a fact of our island's life, passes muster as a reasonable compromise but truth be told the real issue is how our progeny iwill be affected. This is a knee jerk reaction catering to today's selfish interests. It the council had even a modicum of perspective shore power would be a hot button issue and not pie in the sky that for now is crisp and clean It's impossible to believe this reminder of the filth cruise ships generate when there's a way to reduce it by 80% is dismissed out of hand. Don't any elected/appointed officials hear George Dorr saying shame on your short sightedness.

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The most concerning part of this is wondering what “redevelop” means for that property. That is indeed a lovely old building, why not use it where it is? I fear it will be for another big, ugly, “B and B” like the one that he has built downtown.

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Oof, that "B&B," what a monstrosity.

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