I have been following your articles for awhile now. Thank you for trying to alert people to the real danger and upheaval of “community” when its residents can no longer afford to live in a place that they helped to make so special.

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COA should be ashamed of the burden their students are placing on the local food pantry. Does the nearly $60,000 total cost of attendance not include an adequate meal plan?

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So far COA has been an unwelcome enigma in the Bar Harbor community. Wrapped around the environment, they are in a goody-two-shoes, hot button business of teaching environmental respect but show none themselves. Not only do they say nothing about the cruise ships idling 24/7 spewing filth in their front yard, but even worse (and it is possible) its administration actively supports among the biggest and definitely the most unnecessary polluters on the planet. That is shocking! Additionally, they are users of town services and contribute virtually nothing in return. Their PR director spins the excellent education they deliver. That suggests their curriculum offers a course on how to exploit a holier than thou mission.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Greed knows no bounds for the average Bar Harbor businessman. It’s not enough to make a living; getting rich is the only option — even at the detriment of others in the community.

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It’s funny. Tim bland was the cop in aos 91 who was “beloved” and now he works for a Leo. I guess my gut was correct that his presence in our schools was not about community outreach but rather teaching kids to accept a police state.

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The wording of the 'apology' is dodgy.

It is not that 'something happened' and the problem is not that it 'disrupted a meeting.'

The assailant decided to assault a journalist and steal his phone to prevent him from documenting and reporting on a contentious and momentous public meeting. The meeting was being officially documented on video. The assailant sought to prevent a journalist from exercising his first amendment rights. And for the period of time the stolen phone was in the thief's hands, he succeeded.

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