Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Kicking Sidman to the curb will just help solidify the fact that certain town councilors will be regular ole citizens on the next vote. Chess is definitely not their game, desperation moves lose 99% of the time.

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This anti - Project 2025 discussion is nothing but gaslighting. This side is always saying the other side is fear-mongering, distorting the facts, etc. They need to look in the mirror. Why are both sides trying to demonize the other? Just like if Trump wins it will be the end of democracy, blah,blah,blah. Forget he was already President for 4 years during a very prosperous time (for everyone!). Joe Biden has done what everyone was afraid Trump would do in 2016-2020 (wars, economic downturn, etc.). Now he is clearly mentally gone. Spare me the fear mongering for every initiative coming from the other side.

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Biden was responsible for Russia invading Ukraine and Hamas attacking Israel?? The economy? Will go down as one of the most prosperous four years in US history. Employers with so much business they can't hire enough workers.

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You are kidding yourself Lincoln. Biden did nothing in the months after Russia started the buildup on the Ukraine border. Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete unnecessary embarrassment with needless deaths for our military and forget the horrendous waste of resources. Inflation caused by this administration has wiped out any economy growth and the job gains were due to the pandemic jobs coming back (and unemployment numbers have been scaled down each month after being announced.) I agree with you on a lot of things, but for these 2 I think you are categorically wrong. Peace through strength works, but this administration does not exude this quality. I do not like either man to be honest, but that is irrelevant (and should be for most voters).

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

PS: Today is a non-cruise ship day and the Town streets, sidewalks and stores are almost un-navigable! If you depend on cruise ship traffic to stay in business, you do not have a business worth saving!

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Gosh Bob, imagine another few thousand shoppers on top of that!

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No thanks

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Thanks for publicizing this consistent corruption and cruise ship coddling by our Town Government. This could not make it clearer that the Town Council is full of self serving, corrupt individuals who could care less about enforcing the LAW that should now be in effect. Peacock, Minutolo, Friedmann and company are going into the history books as money grubbing, self serving hacks who DO NOT CARE about Bar Harbor or what the voice of it's people say. GO CHARLES GO! If another lawsuit comes out of this, so be it. The Town Council has it coming. This is pure contempt of the Judge's ruling. This is why you need to come out for every election and make your voice heard and get these people out. NOTE: I go through this whole diatribe without being vulgar, which is more than can be said about Mr. Hochman.

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It’s not that bad, some of them go on Facebook and pretend they care about the citizens.

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"Minutolo read the election results as a validation of the council’s record.

But did he read that correctly?"


But so what. When did voter opinion ever matter to the Bar Harbor Town Council?

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